BREAD is an important basic foodstuff and has been for millenia. But is has become just another industrial product, a victim of industrial processes and the search for profit.

A backlash has created a counter-culture and a lifestyle choice: The luxury loaf. The weekend treat.

Bread is for everyone, every day.

I bake bread within and for a COMMUNITY.

REAL bread has the power to feed and nourish both the mind and the body.

In my community.
In our community.

The quality of each loaf is paramount to me. No special additives or baking aids. No additional vitamins or minerals to replace what's been lost in processing.

ALL my breads use:

Organic Flours
Stoneground wherever possible
No additives in Milling
No additives in Baking
Natural Leavens unless otherwise stated
BioReal Organic yeast (if yeast is used)
Cornish Sea Salt (at/below UK guidelines)

All bread is healthy*. If the ingredients are. And if the baking is. My bread is.